Why Poptropica Means So Much To Us
Today I wanted to tell you guys why Poptropica means so much to us. Without Poptropica we, of course, wouldn't have this amazing blog, but more importantly, we wouldn't be the best of friends that we are today.
As we have written in a prior post about us, Lilly and I met and have been friends since the 3rd grade. At that time, we were pretty good friends but no where near to how close we are today. That was, until we brought up Poptropica.
One day, years later, Lilly asked me if I played Poptropica and, quite enthusiastically, I said that I did. I was so glad that I had someone to relate with who also loved Poptropica! At the time, Pelican Rock Island had just made its release so we decided to finish the island together! It was so fun and later, Lilly had asked me if i knew what the Poptropica Help Blog was. She introduced me to it, and we used their guides to complete more and more islands. But before we even found the PHB, we created The PopBlog. It started as a simple idea that we didn't know would become what it is today. Thank you for everyone who supports us! Anyways, as the blog and Poptropica marathons continued, we became better friends! We even told our other friends to play poptropica (it didn't last very long) But nonetheless, we still love Poptropica and are able to share it with a community of people who love it just as much as us! 💕