Mystery Guest Blogger!
Hey guys! Sorry for not posting in a while. We have a special submission for a guest blogger, so let's get to it! Before we start, if you want to submit one yourself, you can find a form in the extras tab!
Anywho, the mystery Poptropican and her story will be announced tomorrow! (Due to technical difficulties)
By the way, I am working on a blog about introducing a seven year old who is brand new to Poptropica and Poptropica Worlds and sees what he thinks of both!
Alrighty, just wanted to get the post out there since we have left our mystery friend hanging!
See you tomorrow, have a magical sunshiney summer, and stay hydrated...
Ok, it's time to stop....
Ps. Sorry if my post have tons of typos and look like a toddler slapped it, I'm on vacation and have been quickly writing post on the go.
Lots of warm hugs,