Lilly's Popsona!
Hey guys! Lilly here, wishing you a magical day. I am working on a super detailed review of PopWorlds, and it is wearing me out, so i am going to post about my Popsona! It's a trend about our Poptropicans, and I really am excited to post mine! (Warning: it may be long!)
One quick announcement: We are an offical Poptropica fansite! Thanks to skinny moon and everyone! Okay, let's get on with it!
Background: Maroon Jumper was born on game show island, just before the robots started to invade. After they did, she quickly fled to Cryptids, studying under the billionaire and learning about all the strange creatures. Once she caught them, her publicly expanded, and she moved to Ghost Story for some privacy, and to solve the many stange things lurking. She is now infamous throughout for solving crimes and myestries, and she works as a personal detective.
Likes: mysteries, traveling, fruit, animals, books, TV shows, and introverted things.
Dislikes: Waiting in lines and rude people in a theatre of any kind.
Fun Facts:
Her best friend is Grumpy Cactus.
She has one pet, a yellow bird she was given through a friend on Pelican Rock who also saved her from being caught.
Her celebrity crush is Director D...
You will never see her without purple batwings on.
Her idol is Athena, whom she met on Mythology island.
Well that's it! I hope you enjoyed! Ps. This is Maroon Jumpers look in Worlds, for those wondering. When they put batwigs on, she will have them but they don't have them yet!