Hey yo! While we are waiting for New Pop to release, Mia and I are doing some filler blogs because we don't want to take a break from PopBlog! Many of the bloggers agree there seems to be no new info to share, so they decide to take a little time off, but instead, Mia and I wanted to share the blogs we have in the back of our minds- but are too busy to write them because new content has been released, so it's nice we get this break from news- and off into the originality that is PopBlog!
So today my post is about Poptropicon, how cool the island would be if we made it into reality!
So close your eyes and picture this: (Okay, don't close your eyes you will look weird)
Awesome costumes, new friends (that know what Poptropica is) Amazing shows! I am going to be breaking down some stuff:
Costumes: Think of all the possibilities! From villains to heroes, everyone would have a ton of fun dressing up and seeing others designs! What would you go as? Mia and I would definitly dress up as our own Poptropicans, bat wings and all!
Panels: Imagine how amazing it would be to see the creators, other bloggers, and artist do some panels about Poptropica! (It would be so cool if Mia and I had a booth or panel!
Booths: Other blogs can set up their own booths, and maybe sell some merch!
Anyways, sorry for the short post, but it was just a little thought that would be so cool to spread around. Maybe after worlds, the creators will take up the idea and make it a thing!
Ps- Vote for Nabooti 2k18
Also this is a selfie of Mia and I (Mia is obviously the one in the beard)
Have a nice everybody!