Some Poptropica Nostalgia
Hey guys, Mia here! So today I'm going to talk about some interesting Poptropica facts that honestly got me feeling pretty nostalgic- with the new Poptropica Worlds coming out and everything :').
1. Poptropica wasn't originally going to to be called "Poptropica"- In an interview with Jeff Kinney, he says that they were originally going to call the site "Poptropolis" (Like the island) but at around the same time of the creation process, Nickelodeon came out with a site called "Nicktropolis" and the creators agreed it was too similar.
2. Jeff Kinney used to create the site himself!- In the early process of Poptropica, Jeff used to write the code himself and design the entire site until he hired a crew who was better at it and then he started just writing the stories.
3. Mystery Train Island was almost a flop!- Back in the early years of Poptropica when new islands were being rolled out around every few months (or sometimes episodes every few weeks) the creators were working on Mystery Train Island and Jeff Kinney admits that he was afraid that us players wouldn't like the island and that he "couldn't believe he got away with it"!
4. The original plan for Poptropica included apartments!- Kinney's original idea for Poptropica was that the players would have apartments (Kind of like Pop Worlds is getting houses...) and go around and collect things and be able to bring them back to their apartment along with the journey but Kinney then got the idea of not having a home and just island hopping and just carrying around the items.