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Crisis Caverns Plot & Villain? Theory

I was exploring the App Store, and the poptropica icon popped up. I decided to click on it, and to my suprise they added new photos with the new character art for Poptropica Worlds. This one, in particular, caught my eye.

There are many new characters, obviously, but the main, largest  one caught my eye. To make sure I didn't miss a villain on any of the islands, I asked others on discord, and they say they haven't seen him onscreen as well. So now, let's break it down:

He seems to be a villain. (Obviously) with his red scar and evil grin and excessive facial hair, it's safe to say he's up to no good. 

His clothes. So he is layered in thick blue clothing, with a satchel. Thick layers could mean he is in a cold climate, which leads us to our next topic. Who is he?

Well, since he is so layered, and maybe that scar came from some tragic accident, he may have came from… a mine. 

If you haven't caught on, I'm referring to Crisis Caverns, an island rumored that it may appear on Poptropica Worlds. It was supposed to come to Poptropica, but instead got cancelled. 

Going all the way back to Perfect Sky's post on leaks from what may be the island, another picture gave me a theory. 

This man, let's just call him, uh, Scar. (Wow. Creative.) Well, Scar was a miner in the Caverns, when one day he was in an accident and got a horrible scar. He became obsessed with all the exquisite and rare jewels that the mine had to offer, and greedily wanted it for himself. He steals so much and continues to steal, so that's where you come in, having to save the day. 

Also, on a side note, some of this theory has to do with this picture. 

Perfect Sky mentions that it could be the final place you go to, which is very true. But to me, it also looks like a hideout. It could possibly be the evil, overgrown facial haired Scars. 

Thank you guys so much for reading this! Please take note that I am taking these based only off pictures and a poor imagination😂 For all I know, Scar could just be a costume and have nothing to do with Crisis Caverns at all. What do you guys think? 

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