Challenge and Meet 'n' Greet All in One!
Hey friends! As you can guess from the title, a huge contest is being held, followed by a Meet 'n' Greet! We haven't thought of a specific time yet, but the Friday or Saturday before Valentines day is ideal.
And now, the big valentines contest! While we are all waiting for the results of the #mypoptropicacostumecontest, we decided to throw our own little fan art contest!
Here are the rules:
*The art must have something to do with the PopBlog/Poptropica & Valentines day combined.
*The deadline is February 12!
Get creative!!
Prize Package For First Place Winner: (We may do second and third place too!)
*Are entitled to three "Host Post" On PopBlog! They can post about almost anything! Themselves, Their Hobbies, Poptropica, any other games they like, tv shows, etc!!!
*Guest of honor at the meet 'n' greet! They will be the special guest at our meet 'n' greet, more detail to be revealed soon!
Thanks! If you have any questions, please email us! You can send yours in to us, or post it on Instagram with the hashtag #PopBlogFanartchallenge
Please share this contest on any website/blog, Social Media, and with your friends! Thanks and hope to see you at the meet 'n' greet!
Also, I think I forgot to mention, all entries will be put in the gallery! So draw away! Good luck!
Lots of love,
The Pop Blog Team