An Unusual Post...
Hello Poptropicans!! Yes! I am back from the dead! So sorry I haven't been posting lately! But today's topic is something unusual for the Pop Blog. I am writing today about the NEW POPTROPICA! So as you probably have seen, poptropica creators have stated that New Poptropica is big, exciting, and coming out THIS YEAR.
Above is a post from the Poptropica creator's blog, stating, in bold, that this year, 2016, New Poptropica will be launched. Well folks, we all know the end of the year is approaching VERY soon! So my question is... will it really be launched this year? As you've seen in past posts, we think they have dropped subtle hints to things about it like what the new Poptropicans may look like.
Above shows a post from Poptropica Creators... could this be what the new Poptropicans look like?
Overall, I am unsure whether to be excited or be sure to not get my hopes up for New Poptropica this year. Could the creators possibly have the reveal saved for New Years!?