The New Poptropica... Is it coming?
Hey friends! This is a short post on a current popular topic- When is the new Pop even coming?
Lets review what we know- the poptropica creators promised us it would be out soon this year. They are changing the look of the Poptropicans, adding some islands, and all kinds of stuff.
My predictions- I do not believe the creators are really going to release the new pop this year. I feel they may be distracting us with the costume contest, (Which is not necessarily a bad thing.) My question to you- Does it really make sense that they would add the costume to the new game, or old game? I honestly have no idea.
My thoughts- I am glad they are taking their time on this project. I am a little worried that they will change the heart of Poptropica, and what makes it so... unique. I am hoping they make improvements, not just ruin the game. I am hoping they are putting lots of thought into this new poptropica.
What do you guys think? Comment or email us!